library(AER) data(CPS1985) dummy_mod <- lm(wage ~ gender, data = CPS1985) # complete the function below Rob_CI <- function(model) { SEs <- ??? lower <- model$coef - ??? upper <- model$coef + ??? return( cbind("Lower" = lower, "Upper" = upper) ) } # use Rob_CI() to compute the confidence intervals for both model coefficients # complete the function below Rob_CI <- function(model) { SEs <- sqrt(diag(vcovHC(model, type = "HC1"))) lower <- model$coef - 1.96 * SEs upper <- model$coef + 1.96 * SEs return( cbind("Lower" = lower, "Upper" = upper) ) } # use Rob_CI() to compute the confidence intervals for both model coefficients Rob_CI(dummy_mod) test_function_definition("Rob_CI", function_test = test_expression_result("Rob_CI(dummy_mod)")) test_output_contains("Rob_CI(dummy_mod)") success_msg("Nice!")